Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Shown is my hair after 7 days since the last henna application. The color has darkened into a rich blend of deep ruby and bright cinnamon tones with amazing dimension, as always when I use Rajasthani Jasmine. 
I know this is a long post, but I need to share my testimony as I am sure there are other very young women dealing with the same things. I want to thank Ancient Sunrise Henna for helping me solve two huge problems that have really affected my self-confidence for years: bald spots and gray hairs. I am 22 years old. My hair is naturally curly in waves and ringlets through the length, straight on the top 3 inches. I wash my hair in cold water every 3-4 days, put in a handful of conditioner on the ends, gently use a wide toothed comb and then a fine toothed comb to style/ remove excess product, towel dry, and let it air dry. My curly hair is made up of more dispersed darker, flat, coarse, thick strands and more plentiful translucent, round, smooth, fine strands. It breaks from any heat, even hot water. I thought combing my hair had something to do with my issues, but after 7 years of the same gentle routine, it was obvious that something else was the culprit.
The first problem, bald spots, had been going on for about 6 years. It got to the point where I could not tuck my hair behind my ear because my scalp would show, and I had to carefully comb the hair on the back of my head over a large, obvious bald spot in the very middle. I was about to buy an expensive bald spot filler/hair thickener fiber powder product and even used eyeshadow at times to cover the spots. The embarrassing issue arose for two reasons. The first was the hairstyles that I had to do for Colorguard, two different styles per year for 5 years. We danced indoors and outdoors, and hair had to be pulled very tightly against the scalp in very precise parts, teased for an underlayer of volume, and the overlayer of hair shellacked down with hair spray so the wind would not move a single strand. There were usually over 40 bobby pins needed for each hair style, which scraped against the scalp and lifted hair roots at a painful angle. Each year the parts in my hair were different, and each year I noticed that my fellow dancers and I had the same widening parts in our hair. All the pulling and parting and heat damage form hot rollers and flat irons, not to mention the sun and wind, took a heavy toll on our hair. The bald spots grew wider as my hair growth pattern thinned in those areas. When I put up my hair for internship/work or braided it, the bald spots would show in a way that made certain styles, even a ponytail, impossible without combing other hair over and adding a hair accessory, and that added additional weight that made the problem worse. 
The second cause was stress and (3 years ago) use of a bright green henna product from India that I eventually learned was the evil green sand stuff that has mineral salts added. One of my mother's students from India gave her the henna and I felt obligated to try it. It fizzed when I added lemon juice. Big mistake. All my hard work of using AS Jasmine was gone after my hair turned stringy, greenish, gummy, and lifeless. After that, I lost a handful of hair each day from only gentle manipulation of my then very thin brittle hair, and the bald spots widened. I tried to apply peroxide to my roots so they would match the rest of my hair after the green sand henna. I stopped using peroxide and went back to using only AS Jasmine henna from then on. 
The other problem is gray hairs. They are only in certain places right now: front section and temples. The Jasmine works great to cover them up. Now, they look like ruby red highlights. I went through a VERY stressful time last fall when a faulty doctor gave me diagnoses of leukemia and arrhythmia. After extensive testing and a holter monitor it was actually chronic mononucleosis. Also, my husband had surgery but the wrong lipoma was removed. My grades and finances fell as I struggled through my studies, internship, working, paying hefty medical bills and managing orders for my shop. I would scratch my head and come away with a handful of hair. The grays cropped up and haven't stopped since. Now, after using Jasmine henna every month and many prayers, I can share an update of how great my hair looks after a relaxing spring semester and summer. Over the past 6 months, the bald spots have filled in with new thick, shiny, silky hair, and many are almost gone! Thank you, Ancient Sunrise, for helping me fix these confidence-crushing issues! I look and feel better than I have in years!